Month: August 2017

Sink and Fade

As we come to the end of the summer holidays, hopefully this does not signal the end of your trips to the woods.  The woods truly are a magical place to spend time all year round, and each season brings new treasures with it. … Continue Reading “Sink and Fade”


During my forest school training I always wore my purple waterproof jacket.  It wasn’t something I thought about, I just naturally donned my waterproof gear each morning as I set off for the magical woodlands of Hollywood, Co. Wicklow.  Maybe I should have given… Continue Reading “Camouflage”

Tracking Wildlife

As the summer stretches on I often hear parents say that they have run out of places to take the kids.  However, I don’t think that there is any limit on how many visits you can make to the woods.  I work with children… Continue Reading “Tracking Wildlife”

We’re going on a bug hunt…

I’ve been in the woods all week and true to west of Ireland form in July the weather has been erratic.  We’ve had downpours followed by sun, days where I wore all my winter layers, and days where we watched the steam rise from… Continue Reading “We’re going on a bug hunt…”